earth element, sacred geometry, hexahedron, tetrahedron, icosahedron, octahedron, dodecahedron, void, ether, spirit, fruit of life, merkaba, platonic solids


How WILLPOWER is creating it.
Open Source Documentation

BodyX is an ongoing project. It is an etextile body audiovisual instrument being made for WILLPOWER's immersive performances. The goal is to make it an intuitive way to create both music and visual animated art in real time with the natural movements of the human body.
WILLPOWER is doing realtime chronological documentation of it right here in the Tech Lab.
To stay up to date, join the newsletter on the contact page.

As WILLPOWER develops the tech, he takes you with him on the journey of making. The images below correspond to different phases of the Research & Development for BodyX.

For this project, he is making eTechStyle sensors, using conductive fabrics and threads, non-conductive fabrics, using electronic components, microcontrollers, Linux OS, the arduino IDE, PlugData (a free and open source Visual Programming Language based on Pure Data) for making the Audio and Visuals that are being generated by the data sent wirelessly from WILLPOWER's body movements.

Click images below to access Sections of the Research & Development phases

Phase 3 - 3 Fingers WILLPOWER STUDIOS MUSIC TECH LAB ETEXTILES PlugData pure data arduino
Phase 2 - Finger Bends WILLPOWER STUDIOS MUSIC TECH LAB ETEXTILES PlugData pure data arduino
Phase 1 - Sensors WILLPOWER STUDIOS MUSIC TECH LAB ETEXTILES PlugData pure data arduino