The laser glove beams when I touch the side of my hand with my thumb. I placed conductive fabric in both places which closes the electric circuit, making them turn on in an instant.
I had the vision of using a glove with lasers to beam them through fog on stage at my performances... so I created it. It is a first version. I have a method for aligning the lasers correctly but I did not implement it.
I had laser diodes laying around in my magical boxes so I used them. The weird thing is that only one laser points correctly... The others fade as if they are not getting enough power. If I decide to pursue this, I will run tests to figure out how to make it perfect.
This work is intense, it takes patience, visualization and preparation.
Perfect glove to bring to a smoky night event.
Software: none. pure electronics. Using an Arduino Nano purely for its 5V port.
Hardware: Arduino Nano.
Electronic Component: Laser diodes.
Materials: shrink tubes / jersey fabric / conductive thread / conductive fabric / non-conductive thread
Tools: Pliers / Scissors / Needle / Sewing Machine