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LED T-Shirt

How It Was Created.
Open Source Documentation

WILLPOWER made an LED for his music video Most Amazing. It has a button to switch animations. It is an eTextile / Fashion Tech project. He made the T-shirt and embedded the circuit within it using conductive thread and fabric. The video below shows it in action as well as his process of making it.

Full HD YouTube / odysee

There are many concerns over wearable tech products about the electromagnetic radation that electicity and LED's emit. These days, in Europe, it's pretty much impossible to find lights other then LEDs. Light bulbs emitted far less radiation then LED's. But there are also studies showing that the red light spectrum of LED's can have beneficial health effects. Some are concerned over not falling asleep as cold colors may keep them awake. The importance is balance. I make costumes and fun tech products, but what I suggest is that people ground while and/or after they use them to discharge their bodies from the accumulation of the electromagnetic field's positive ions. The LED T-Shirt uses 5 Volts, just like a mobile device. It does not send nor receive wireless communication so it generates less radiation then an iphone of google pixel unless the LED's surpass it. Some are very fearful of this but everyone's body is different. You have to see what you are sensitive to in general. Some don't even hold a mobile device in their hand out of fear of having health issues from it. I personally have been around technology since 11 years old. As tech becomes more and more abundant and now instrusive to the human body with medical products, it is important to stay cautious. The human body heals well and being in nature is the perfect balance for anyone working with technology like myself. Spend time outside interacting with the elements, meditate, eat healthy, exercise, workout, train, socialize and ground. Nothing in life is 100% safe. People that live their lives trying to avoid the slightest thing that can impact their health and become hermits living in a cave, are unhappy and their life is boring. I know because I used to be one of them. I then understood that life is about balance.

I work with LEDs because they are one of my favorite technologies due to the fact that they require low energy and beam very brightly while being completely programmable !



WILLPOWER wears the LED T-Shirt for his music video Most Amazing.

All images and videos by WILLPOWER STUDIOS unless otherwise mentioned.