earth element, sacred geometry, hexahedron, tetrahedron, icosahedron, octahedron, dodecahedron, void, ether, spirit, fruit of life, merkaba, platonic solids



WILLPOWER STUDIOS is the Light & Sound Studio / Tech Lab of Artist WILLPOWER.

Art Studio + Tech Studio + Music Studio = WILLPOWER STUDIOS

He does Immersive Audiovisual Performances, creates Interactive Installations you can view in Projects and created his own music genre ElektroHipHop.

WILLPOWER develops his own Tech in the process.

Trust The Process

WILLPOWER STUDIOS bases its work on Research & Development to materialize unique ideas. Combining Performing Arts, Music, Interactivity, Architecture, Creative Coding & Electrical Engineering, new forms of expression are created for the purpose of storytelling and conveying messages with the intention of connecting diverse people in physical spaces.


The purpose of the work is to expand the power of our imagination for us to realize who we are beyond the Simulatrix, in order to create the nUtopia. We open the human mind, make heart connections with one another, open up our third eye to see and share information to transcend the mainstream mental enslavement that controls billions of people without them realizing it, for us to live in freedom, peace, joy, creativity, honesty on earth as a diverse humanity seeing beyond the limited spectrum of the 5 senses.

Raising our awareness, beingness, nowness while expressing what we know, especially if it sounds crazy to people in society, to raise awareness so high that we shift the collective and melt away the illusionary mental boxes. We clearly see through the illusions of societal control, creating a much more joyful and balanced human life.

Utopia is the new normal = nUtopia.

Enter New Realms

The Immersive Audiovisual Performances and Interactive Environments open a new physical dimension which open up a new one in the mind, where through the use of their senses in new ways, become stimulated to awaken new connections, and the audience enter a new reality of wander to wonder.