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2023 [Ephemeral_001 by Black Sky], Live Performance for offline privacy event during devconnect (ETH conference) – Istanbul, Turkey.
2023 MOST AMAZING, Music Video – Berlin, Germany.
2022 PAY ME IN MONERO, Feat. Margaux. Music Video — Berlin, Germany.
2022 ESCAPE TYRANNY, HipHop Performance @ The Greater Reset + Agorapulco — Acapulco, Mexico.
2021 GEM IN I, Feat. Sophie Mars. Light & Spoken Word Performance in Nature — Central Portugal.
2020 WE R FREE BEINGS, Music Video — Berlin, Germany.
2019 AVATARS, Music Video — Berlin, Germany.
2018 Presenting the WILLPOWER THEREMIN at Spektrum — Berlin, Germany
2018 U R THE 1, Audiovisual Performance at Visual Reality — Santa Monica, California.
2017 Audiovisual Performance for Fashion Week Berlin, Studio183 — Berlin, Germany
2015 AudioVisual Performance during Pop Up Fashion Berlin — Fashion Tech Festival in Berlin, Germany
2015 Interactive Performance using MYO, WEAR IT Conference — Berlin.
2015 Audiovisual Performance @ Meshcon / MakerFaire — Berlin, Germany
2015 AudioVisual Performance for STUDIO183’s Fashion Show at MLove Festival — Hamburg, Germany
2015 WILLPOWER x TANK, Immersive AudioVisual Performance — Technical University of Berlin, Germany
2014 GOD BODY / Sound Forest, Music Video / Improv — Paris, France.
2014 OUT OF THIS WORLD, Immersive Performance at Bakehouse Art Complex — Miami.
2014 VISUAL COMPOSER, Performance at Lehman Theatre — Miami Dade College, Florida.
2013 UNIVERSAL BEINGS, HipHop Performance at LOFT — Downtown Los Angeles.
2009 WILLPOWER — VOLUME 01, HipHop Performance at Théatre de Verre — Paris, France


2020 OFF PLANET – Light & Sound Interactive Installation @ Kang Contemporary — Berlin, Germany
2020 TETRABA – Light & Sound Interactive Installation — Berlin, Germany
2019 Dimensional Door of FORCES OF THE LIGHT – Immersive Sound Reactive Light Experience @ ARTCAMPAiGN — Berlin, Germany
2019 Holographic Universe of FORCES OF THE LIGHT – Immersive Sound Reactive Light Experience @ ARTCAMPAiGN — Berlin, Germany
2019 Pyramidal Light of FORCES OF THE LIGHT – Immersive Sound Reactive Light Experience @ ARTCAMPAiGN — Berlin, Germany
2018 DIMENSIONS OF PERCEPTION, Sound Reactive Audiovisual Projection @ BlnkEast — Los Angeles
2018 DUALITY, Audiovisual Projection @ BlnkEast — Los Angeles
2017 YELL & WAVE, Immersive Audiovisual Projection for the Brewery Art Walk — Lincoln Heights
2016 Fashion Week Berlin: Audiovisual Projection for Catwalk @ STUDIO183 — Berlin, Germany
2015 MERKABA ACTIVATION, LUCID — Berlin, Germany
2015 GLITCH YOUR FACE, Twilio — Berlin, Germany
2015 MULTI-DIMENSIONAL, Sound Reactive Wall Sculpture at Studio183 — Berlin, Germany
2015 I TURN PEOPLE INTO PIXEL, Real-Time Immersive Installation at Studio183 — Berlin, Germany
2015 DIGITAL MIRRORS, Interactive Audiovisual Installation during Catwalk @ Studio183 — Berlin, Germany
2015 THE UPPA, Sound Reactive Audiovisual Installation @ Studio183 — Berlin, Germany
2014 SOUND FOREST, Sound Reactive Installation at NUMA — Paris, France
2014 THE UNDA, Sound Interactive Audiovisual Installation @ The Bakehouse — Miami
2013 UNIVERSAL BEINGS, HipHop Performance at LOFT — Downtown Los Angeles.
2009 WILLPOWER — VOLUME 01, HipHop Performance at Théatre de Verre — Paris, France


2024 Privacy Tech: Glitch The Matrix Workshop by WILLPOWER — Lisbon, Portugal.
2023 De-Matrix, Freedom/Privacy Tech Workshop — Oliveira do Hospital, Portugal.
2018 Presented the WILLPOWER THEREMIN @ Spektrum — Berlin, Germany
2018 Talk about Creative Coding for VR, College of X — Berlin, Germany
2018 Intro to openFrameworks Workshop, HQ — Downtown Los Angeles
2017 Energy Workshop, School of Machines, Making and Make-Believe — Berlin, Germany
2015 Talk about my interactive work via Coding, Open Source Tech Conference — Berlin, Germany


2004 – 2007 Art Center College of Design – Pasadena, California.
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design [Honors]
2005 – Coding Visuals with Joshua Davis, Los Angeles – California
[2-Day Intensive Workshop]
2005 – Now -> C++ / C / GLSL / JAVA / Javascript -> Autodidacticism
2006 – Coding Visuals with Joshua Davis @ Anderson Ranch in Snowmass Village,
Colorado [1-Week Intensive Workshop]
2014 Codecademy – Javascript Course Certification – Online
2016 – Xth-sense: A BioSensor using muscle movements to make sounds – Electronics
1-Day Workshop by Marco Donnarumma @ Spektrum Berlin
2016 Introduction to Arduino: 1-Day Workshop with Juan Duarte @ Spektrum Berlin, Germany
2017 Udacity – Interactive 3D Graphics (Javascript) – Online
2017 – Now -> Electrical Engineering via Autodidacticism
2018 – Algorithmic Botany: An Introduction to Programming L-Systems, Phyllotaxis and the Golden Ratio in openFrameworks (C++) – Spektrum Berlin [1-Day Workshop]
2019 – eTextiles @ KOBA Wicked Winterschool [1-Week Intensive Workshop] – Berlin, Germany


2024 TimeOut - Portugal
2023 Monerotopia
2022 Monerotopia
2021 Arduino Blog
2021 Hackster
2021 Geeky Gadgets h
2021 Planet Arduino
2021 ill13
2021 O.N.G. Records
2020 Kang Contemporary
2020 Art Forum
2020 Art Connect
2020 Art Info 24
2020 Art Rabbit
2020 Weltkunst
2020 Kunstlebenberlin
2015 Tech Berlin Interview of my Immersive AudioVisual Performances
2014 Leap Motion
2011 The Creators Project
2010 Beware Mag
2010 Pattern + Texture by Essence
2007 Adobe
2007 Art Center College of Design


2007 Adobe Design Achievement Awards – Finalist in Interactive Design.

2015 Hack + Tell Berlin – Winner of creative coded app which pixelizes peopleís faces in real-time.